Friday, June 21, 2013

I want love

I want it. Just don't honestly know if I'm ready for it. All I know is, I want someone to share my moments with. I want someone by my side, through the thick and thin. I want to be there by someones side. I want to know I'm with someone we're lifting each other up. Building each other. I want to be someones everything, and have them be mine. I want at the end of the day to just have someone to run to and everything feels amazing. I want other people to look at us and know how in love we are. I want our chemistry and passion to be so strong we constantly want to be next to each other. that kiss when your with them its so amazing your world spins. someone that every thing just fits so perfectly. Just going to work I miss them and they miss me. I want it. But I dont know that I'm ready to let someone in to get it.

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