Thursday, July 5, 2012

An Explanation

 So. A lot of people don’t know what’s going on with me, what’s going on with me and Gage, or anything about anything that has happened. Because it’s not really their business, and we havn’t been ready to talk. Well as far as me and Gage are concerned, we’re ready to talk, we’ve just been waiting until things were better between me and my sister, so we could do all the talking at once. Since I don’t see that happening, I don’t know, I think I’m just going to say you know what, screw you, I’m getting this out there, and you can find out like everyone else. The few people that do have some sort of insight as to what’s been going on, they don’t know the reasoning, they don’t understand why this has all happened. The only people that know that is me and Gage, and his understanding probably isn’t all there. So this is my side of things, my part of the story, the reason as to why I got to this point, what ultimately led to EVERYTHING that has happened. Hold onto your whitie tighties boys and girls, this is going to be a long one…
I have depression. If you’re reading this from my blog, you already know that. But if you’re a friend or acquaintance reading this because I made it available to you to read it, then you may not have known that. But I have depression. I’ve had it for quite some time. While I was pregnant I had it a little bit, it got worse when Alara was about 4 months old, and got really bad when she was about 6 months old. She’s know almost 11 months. I’ve seen a therapist once, and she told me I’m all kinds of screwed up J Thanks. No I’m not on medication, I can’t afford it. I would gladly be on it though, because I hate feeling this way. I’ve had my ups and my downs. I have my good days and my bad days. My bad days consist of I don’t want to live, nothing in the world matters, and the only thing between me and jumping off the Veterans bridge is my kids. The ONLY thing. And on my REALLY bad days, even that’s hard to hold onto. Bad days are like a black out, nothing matters, the house could be burning down around me and nothing would matter. I just want to crawl into a hole and hide. My mild days, I’m just in a fog, I’m aware of everything, I just don’t really feel like doing anything, I just want to sleep it all away. And then my good days, I’m me. I’m the same person I’ve always been. I’m fully functional, I can laugh, I can have a good time. I never really have a GREAT time, I don’t really get like overly excited or anything, that hasn’t happened in quite a while, but I kind of just consider that as being me. Normal. Depression is not an excuse for anything, like some people want to say, but it does affect every part of my life. My day can go from being great to being dreadful on the flip of a switch. It does alter my way of thinking at times. It affects every aspect of every thing. But you don’t have to treat me differently. You don’t have to walk on eggshells around me. You don’t have to treat me like I’m broken. Because I’m aware of when people make that change, it’s instant, you hear I have depression and it’s like I’m this fragile doll. Don’t do that fucking shit I want to punch your face off. Don’t apologize either. You didn’t make me this way. There’s nothing you can do to fix it. So what are you apologizing for? Don’t apologize for shit that ain’t your fault, EVER.
Second. Me and Gage are broken up. This has been for about a month now. That is ultimately what this post is about, what led to that.
You may want to take a pee break here…
The story begins about 4 years ago. As we all know me and Gage have been together for 6 years. And people that know us personally, know the beginning was VERY rocky. Breaking up all the time, fighting all the time, typical teenage relationship really. Well about 4 years ago, maybe 5, I’m not actually sure I try not to keep track, I moved, making us have to be in a long distance relationship. And yes I do mean making us, I basically forced him into that shit. Uuuggghhhh I hate reliving this. Shortly after I moved away, and I do mean shortly, he started seeing someone else. I found out about this about 6 months after it started. So for about 6 months, Gage had a full on relationship with someone else. He loved her even. His family loved her, hated me. His friends loved her, hated me. His friends flat out lied to my face when I would question them, because I had my suspicions. I don’t remember how I found out, I think I saw in his phone that while I was with him he received a text from someone and then went into the bathroom and called her. I also remember that shortly after I found out and started putting the pieces together, I realized that one of the times that I went to visit him and I asked him to stay longer, and he couldn’t because he was grounded or some shit like that and wasn’t even supposed to be with me, he actually had to go to her graduation. I was visiting for my birthday. So that fucking sucked. Anyways, I found out about this whole affair thing in May. I got pregnant with Taya around June. I found out I was pregnant with Taya around August. I didn’t really get the chance to heal from this happening, we were barely together when I found out I was pregnant with Taya, then we had to deal with being 17 years old and being pregnant. There wasn’t really time to deal with that happening. I forgave, but I never forgot. We didn’t mention it really after that. It was obviously a sore subject. It still is. It still greatly is. It affected me, for years, up until very very very recently. It haunted me. I would think about it all the time. I would have nightmares about it, dreams about it, day dreams about it, everything. I was horrified while living in the city that we would run into her. It made it unbearable to live there. We didn’t have sex for 6 months after I had Taya. And even after that, it was still very rare that we would have sex. I always blamed it on it hurting, which it did, but it hurt more than physically, it hurt mentally. It was hard to get my head into it, to not think about what had happened, even though at this point it was so long ago. I just couldn’t let go, I couldn’t forget, I couldn’t move on. It truly did haunt me. It even got to a point where I would think about it so much, I would get disgusted when he would touch me. I would get turned off and repulsed and have to turn away. And we’re talking very recent with these feelings, so years after it all happened, I still could not just move on from it. You could only imagine that over the years, this would eventually break a person down. I couldn’t help when I would think about her or think about the situation, nothing triggered it, it kind of just happened. And I never told him. I never told him it was bothering me. I never told him I still thought about it. I never told anyone. I just tried to push it away and force it down and try to bury it because I knew that bringing that up would hurt. It would hurt both of us. And I didn’t want to deal with that, I thought I could just make it go away. I thought with time I could make myself forget. Force myself to forget. Then one day I realized I couldn’t. I couldn’t force those thoughts away, they were there, she was still there, still haunting me, still haunting our relationship. It made our sex life suck. I couldn’t get my mind into it, so I couldn’t get my body into it, so it would just be so uncomfortable. So we would just rarely have sex. That breaks down a relationship. And he was so supportive about that, because he knew it physically was uncomfortable and hurt, and he was so supportive and great about that, but I know it was hard on him, he is afterall a guy. It didn’t matter what I did, I couldn’t move on from his affair. Eventually, after not really having sex, and then never really going on dates, it all kind of fell apart. I fell out of love. The sparks were gone. The passion was gone. The chemistry was gone. The excitement was gone. It was basically like we were just roommates who happened to be best friends who happened to have 2 kids together. But there was no romance. I’m pretty sure there was a damn near year period where I didn’t say I love you to him. Because we would talk about very small things, and he knew I was falling out of love, he knew that it wasn’t there. He didn’t know why. He just knew it wasn’t there. And he knew I felt uncomfortable saying I love you if I didn’t mean it. That was hard. And it hurt. For both of us, not just for him like you would think. It was hard for me to not love him. To not be in love with him. Specially when everywhere I looked, every time someone met him, they would tell me how great he is and how lucky I was. I knew that. I still know that. I know he’s one of a kind. But that isn’t enough to be IN love with someone. Having kids isn’t enough to be IN love with someone. None of it was enough to make all the bad things go away. It wasn’t enough to make me forget. But through it all, I was still looking at wedding stuff. I was still trying on dresses and deciding on things. Eventually one day, it donned on me… I was planning a wedding, for someone I wasn’t in love with. I was planning a wedding with someone who had no idea how I was feeling or what I was thinking. I was planning a wedding with someone who had no idea his past actions still hurt every day. I was planning a wedding, and I felt trapped. I felt like this was it for me, this was the rest of my life. I was going to be in this loveless marriage for the rest of my life. I was 22 years old, and felt like I was 40, and that was going to be the rest of my life. My life was over. I looked at the future, and I saw nothing exciting. I saw the same routine, every single day, nothing ever changing. And I couldn’t take that. It broke me down. I didn’t want my life to be like that forever. I didn’t want my life to be over. I didn’t want to know that it was going nowhere and that I had to stay on this monotonous road. It freaked me out. It scared the living shit out of me. And so then all these other thoughts and emotions started rushing in: I didn’t have a childhood. My childhood consisted of modeling and acting and dance, and while now I’m grateful for that, I fucking hated it too. I didn’t get to just be a kid. I didn’t have friends. I didn’t do normal kid activities. I didn’t have preteen years. My mom had my youngest brother when I was 12. And from that day forward, I was the second parent. I helped raise him. At 12 years old, I was the parent in the house. My mom god bless her was a single mom to 4 kids. That’s heavy duty. But she wasn’t there very often. She worked 3rd shift and slept all day. My sister was too selfish to step up, so I felt like I had no choice, I had to take on the responsibility, I had to cook, I had to clean, I had to change diapers, I had to take care of everyone else. I gave up everything to make sure that everyone else was taken care of. I didn’t have teenage years. I was still taking care of my little brother, helping to raise him. And then I had some drama with my sister, so that affected everything whether she likes to realize that or not. It took a toll on all of us. Not only was I this young kid in highschool trying to find my way, I was also still making sure my family was taken care of, and I was always having to watch my back, and make sure nobody was fucking with my family. I RARELY went out in highschool. I had few friends. I didn’t get to experience much of those highschool years. All the while, while going through all of this, I was putting EVERYONE before me. My family came first. Their needs came first. I made sure everyone else was taken care of. And it took me years to realize, while I was making sure everyone else was taken care of, nobody was taking care of me. Nobody was making sure I was fine. And while back then I thought I was fine, I can look back now and realize I wasn’t fine. That was a huge burden. And my moms addressed it, she’s expressed her gratitude and that she doesn’t know where we’d all be if I wasn’t there to help out, and it’s kind of like, I don’t know. All I can say is whatever. And I know that’s lame, but for me it is whatever. I felt like I had no choice. Someone had to step up. I wasn’t going to leave my family screwed. I wasn’t going to let it fall apart. I had to make sure everyone was taken care of, even if that meant putting myself last. And back then, I didn’t care. I figured as long as everyone else was fine, I would be fine. I didn’t realize the toll it would eventually take on me. But then my young adult life, I had my own kids. So sitting in my closet one night, crying for no apparent reason, I realized all of this. That I hadn’t had the chance to live my own life. I had my whole life taken away from me. I spent my whole life taking care of everyone else. And the whole rest of my life I was going to spend taking care of everyone else. I never had a life. I never had a chance to live. I never had a chance to fuck up. I never had a chance to learn from my mistakes, because I wasn’t allowed to make mistakes. I never had a chance to do anything that a normal kid should be allowed to do. Like I said, I felt like my life was over, I was going nowhere else. All of this, all of this collectively, I snapped. It became too much. I couldn’t handle it. I couldn’t deal with knowing that this was it for me. Anytime I even remotely expressed this to someone, that I just wanted live and make mistakes and fucking experience life, I was told too bad. I wasn’t allowed. Do you have any idea how aggravating that is?! For people over and over and over again to tell me I’m not allowed to live my own life and make my own mistakes and freaking grow? I felt so lost. I didn’t know who the hell I was anymore. I still don’t know who I am. I don’t know me. I’ve spent so long taking care of everyone else, that along the way I was trampled on and crushed and broken down into this nothingness, this empty shell, this robot that took care of things. I wasn’t my own person. I didn’t know what I wanted out of life, all these plans that I had made I was questioning. I was questioning every direction that I was going. And all of this just weighed so heavily on me. It was so much. I felt smothered and suffocated and I would start thinking about all of this and start thinking about the future and I would literally just get to the point where I felt like I was drowning, I felt so overwhelmed, I felt like I couldn’t breathe, I just felt over and empty and dead. That’s terrifying. That’s the point where I snapped and I decided to say fuck this shit, I couldn’t take it anymore. I couldn’t take this feeling of being over and of having nothing and being nothing. I couldn’t take knowing that this was it. It was too much it was too heavy. I had to figure things out. I had to figure my life out. I had to figure out who I was.
I tried to explain this to Gage. That I didn’t know who I was anymore, that I felt like my life was over, that I felt so consumed by things. He didn’t understand, and I cant really blame him, but I also don’t know how hard he tried to understand. I asked him for a break, for time to figure out who I was and what I wanted out of life. Because not only did I not really get to live, I also had never really had other relationships. He was my only serious relationship that I had ever had. I didn’t know what else was out there. I didn’t know any of that. How can I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with this person that I’m not even in love with if I don’t even know what the hell else is out there? I just felt like none of it was enough. I needed more. I needed answers. I needed time. I needed experiences. I needed a break. I needed time to figure out what I wanted out of life and figure out who I was. He couldn’t give that to me. He said I had to commit 100% to him, or nothing at all. I couldn’t do that. I know he doesn’t understand it, but to me, I cant commit 100% to you if I’m not in love with you and I don’t know if I want to be with you. That’s not 100%. It just wasn’t fare to him. I can’t give you my all, if I don’t know what my all is and I don’t know what I want out of life. I can’t figure that out if I’m attached to you either. It just wasn’t right. It’s not what I needed. So we broke up.
I’m trying to figure out who I am. What I want. Where I’m going. I don’t know when that’ll be. I don’t know when I’ll be better. I don’t know when I’ll know what I want. I know I can’t do it alone. I know I can’t do it until I’m on medicine and in a better mindset. And I don’t think I can do it still living with Gage. But the thought of not living with him, I don’t know. I feel like it’d be too much, it’d be too overwhelming. It gets very hard living with eachother, but at the same time, it’s the only comfort and security I have, and at times I feel like the only thing keeping my grounded. I still love Gage. I always will. But I’m not in love. And its not fair to be with someone your not in love with. He deserves better. It hurts to see him talking to someone else. It hurts to know when he’s out with her. And that usually drives me in the other direction. But I do still love him. And I do hope that one day I can get all of this figured out and I can get better and we can fix this. But in the meantime, we’re working on building a friendship. We realize that we can’t just simply pick up where things left off just because we miss eachother. That can never go back. Right now, it’s making sure we’re there for our kids, and that I get the help that I need, and that we can learn to function independently, and build a foundation to grow. Build a friendship that works. And then if that happens to lead into more, it will come with time. All of this has to come with time. But first, I need to figure my life out. I need to have my life. And that is going to include a long bumpy road of making mistakes to figure out what I want. This breakup could very well be a mistake, but it’s what has to be done in order to figure out the rest of my life. I need to grow some. I’ve already grown some, I’ve crashed and burned, and I think it was good for me. I went through it alone, but that’s probably a good thing.
It’s going to be a long long long road from here. Full of who the hell knows what. I need to build myself, and that’s going to involve some messy times. But I’m doing that with few people in my life, I know who matters. I know my choice in friends is questionable to those around me, but if those people that are questioning my actions, stopped and looked and saw the bigger picture, they would see that I’m doing everything I’m doing on my own account. Because I want to. Because I need to. Because I need to learn from it. I’m not putting myself in danger. I’m not putting my kids in danger. I’m not doing anything to hurt anyone. My friends and the people that I hang out with, truly aren’t influencing me. I choose to do every “questionable” thing that I’ve done, not them. But also stop and realize, that those people know what’s going on in my life. They know about my depression. They know about the breakup. They know about a lot. And they’ve stood by my side and just want me to be happy. Can you say the same for everybody else? I can’t.

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