Tuesday, September 24, 2013

one life

one  day,  you'll wake up,  and look down,  and go holy shit.  You have this little being that is watching your every move,  learning from you,  mimicking you,  becoming you.   Becoming you.  And there's nothing you can do about it,  because to them,  you're perfect,  and you're their whole world. All they live for is to make you happy.  They're the most genuine,  grateful,  pain in the ass,  ridiculously amazing and astounding little things you could ever imagine,  and they want to be just.  like.  you.  And that is terrifying.  My little beings are 2 and 4  now,  and more and more each day,  not only do I see myself in them,  but I see them in each other. Specially the little one,  learning from her big sister,  watching her,  trying to do everything she does all the big girl stuff.  meanwhile the big girl is trying to be just like mommy.  And you stop.  And you think.  And you realize, I dont want  them to be like me!  How horrible that would be!  And you sit there,  and point out every little personality flaw you have.  You're stubborn,  you're bitchy,  you're always late,  you procrastinate,  you can be insanely negative,  you're self conscious,  every little thing in the book.  And you're creating them to be just.  like.  that.  And you just go,  well fuck.  But it's not.  It's not well fuck.  It's wake the fuck up and start a new life because it's never too late.  You get 1  chance in the world. 1  chance to make something of yourself,  to be proud,  to accomplish, to teach,  learn,  and grow. 1  chance to make a difference,  to be something.  To be happy,  fulfilled,  loving,  gracious,  admired.  You get this 1 life,  why sit here blowing it,  because you're too afraid of failing,  of  disappointing,  of not being enough,  because you feel like what's done is done no going back?  None of that is true.  Until you live your last day,  it is never too late to make a change.  So while you sit there,  and you stare at those little beings wanting to be just like you,  why not instead of thinking oh well,  think and declare,  today is the day.  It is not oh well. I am going to make myself something my kids will be proud of,  something I won't feel like I ruined for them.  If you can't change for yourself,  do it for you're little beings.  And if you don't have those yet,  heaven bless your heart because you got more time to perfect who you want that person to be.  You have more time for fuck ups and lessons learned,  so when you have those little beings looking up at you with those I'm innocent eyes,  you can get it right the first time.  And if you can't change for a life that is dependent on you,  well then you're a worthless human being and should probably just kill yourself :)
1  life.  Don't let anything hold you back from making it great.

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